2E Health and human services budget
Modifying certain provisions governing children and family services;
modifying the child care assistance program (CCAP); modifying child care
programs uses of money, employment or training eligibility, and county recovery
of overpayments; establishing a voluntary quality rating and improvement system
(QRIS); requiring human services background studies for providers of group
residential housing or supplementary services; requiring the commissioner to
authorize early intervention support and services for at-risk American Indian
families grants; expanding the Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) to
include group residential housing and housing assistance; modifying certain
child supports and maintenance; modifying standards of assistance under the
Minnesota supplemental aid act; changing the citation of the Group Residential
Housing Act to the Residential Housing Act, defining certain terms, modifying
eligibility for group residential housing payment and housing assistance
payment, negotiation authority for rate increases, certain supplementary service
rates, and payment methods; modifying certain provisions relating to Northstar
kinship assistance eligibility, assessment, agreements, and state share of
maintenance payments funding under the Northstar Care for Children Act;
modifying certain adoption assistance provisions relating to tribal customary
adoptions; modifying the reimbursement of tribal contracted adoption placement;
modifying and conforming to federal law certain child protection provisions;
expanding the definition of relative and sibling; modifying certain disposition
provisions; modifying independent living plans so youth in foster care may start
the plan at age 14 instead of age 16; modifying provisions for youth in foster
care involvement in their permanency planning, and specifying requirements for
protection of missing and runaway children and youth at risk of sex trafficking,
and support for age appropriate and developmentally appropriate activities for
foster children; expanding relative search requirements; modifying permanency
proceedings; modifying and conforming to federal law certain child support
provisions relating to potential income determinations, authority, medical
support-only modification of orders or decrees, medical support definition of
public coverage, coverage determinations, child support enforcement services,
public authority notice contents of pleadings, IV-D services fees and collection
services; conforming certain provisions under the Uniform Interstate Family
Support Act (UIFSA); repealing the quality rating and improvement system (QRIS)
framework; and making technical and conforming changes
Modifying provisions governing chemical
and mental health services; redefining Minnesota specialty treatment facility;
requiring the commissioner of human services to establish the excellence in
mental health demonstration project; modifying certain rate requirements for
chemical dependency services; redefining certain definitions for intensive
nonresidential and residential rehabilitative mental health services; modifying
certain medical assistance (MA) assertive community treatment and intensive
residential treatment services and crisis stabilization services provisions and
providing coverage for psychiatric residential treatment facility services for
persons under 21 years of age; providing for a rate-setting methodology for
community-based mental health services; requiring a report on the progress of
the excellence in mental health demonstration project; making technical changes
Establishing purpose, policy,
and standards for withdrawal management programs licensed by the commissioner of
human services; providing regulations for program licensure, admission and
discharge policies, screening and comprehensive assessment, stabilization
planning and services, protective procedures, patient rights and grievance
procedures, patient property management, medical services and availability of
qualified medical professionals, medications, staffing requirements, duties, and
qualifications, personnel policies, procedures, and files, policy and procedures
manual development, patient records, data collection requirements, and payment
methodology development; making technical changes
Modifying certain provisions relating to county portion for
cost of care for chemical dependency services and the definition of cost of care
and county payment of civilly committed sex offenders receiving services;
requiring biennial evaluations of civilly committed sex offenders in the form of
a forensic risk assessment and treatment process report; making technical
Modifying and expanding certain background
study requirements for the departments of health, transportation, and human
services; requiring background studies for certain special transportation
service providers and certain consumer assistance partners, imposing fees;
expanding access to criminal history data for tribal organization licensing
activities; repealing certain rules; making technical changes
Modifying certain provisions relating to health insurer claim
processing and eligibility appeals, human services public assistance lien on
recipients cause of action information requests, and hospital inpatient services
payment rates; modifying medical assistance (MA) treatment of assets when a
spouse is institutionalized; modifying certain coverage provisions for dental
services, medication therapy services, and early and periodic screening,
diagnosis and treatment services (EPSDT); making changes to the MA co-payments
to conform to changes in federal regulations; requiring the commissioner of
human services, in conjunction with the commissioner of health, to coordinate
and implement an opioid prescribing improvement program, defining terms,
requiring the appointment of an opioid prescribing work group, specifying
program components and implementation, data practices, and report requirement;
including certain health home services under coordinated care coverage through a
health home, specifying eligibility requirements for health home services;
modifying nursing facility rates hospital outpatient reimbursement for critical
access hospitals, and dental reimbursement; requiring the establishment of an
integrated care for high-risk pregnant women pilot program, defining terms,
grants authority and eligibility requirements; modifying certain MinnesotaCare
provisions relating to the definition of family and income, covered health
services cost-sharing, eligibility, application process, premiums
administration, critical access dental providers, competitive process, and
premiums sliding fee scale; modifying repurchase requirements after forfeiture
of tax-forfeited lands; modifying certain MA liens against property provisions;
specifying certain reporting requirements for the statewide opioid prescribing
improvement program and the payment system for critical access dental providers;
repealing certain provisions relating to payment rates for births, prepaid
health plans initiatives to reduce incidence of low birth weight, and certain
MinnesotaCare program financial management provisions and application
procedures; making technical changes
certain home and community based services transitions grants fund transfer
authority; requiring the Minnesota board of aging, through the Senior Linkage
Line, to establish a long-term care call center; modifying certain medical
assistance (MA) provisions relating to services for persons with developmental
disabilities and home and community-based services for disabled persons waiver
allocations for transition populations; requiring the commissioner of human
services, in consultation with members of the Own Your Future Advisory Council,
the commissioner of commerce, and other stakeholders, to conduct research on the
feasibility of creating a life stage planning insurance product for merging term
life insurance with long term care insurance coverage; providing a rate increase
for self-directed workforce negotiations under certain conditions; requiring the
commissioner of human services to develop a home and community-based services
incentive pool, report requirement; making technical changes
Establishing retail food handler and food and beverage
service establishments fees; modifying certain health information exchange
definitions, certificate of authority to provide health information exchange
services, coordination procedures, enforcement authority fees and monetary
penalties; regulating patient information services;
increasing the public
water services annual connection fee for service connections; providing for the
"Minnesota Radon Licensing Act", providing for rulemaking, radon mitigation
system tags, licensure, and enforcement of laws relating to indoor radon in
dwellings and other buildings excepting certain newly constructed homes;
modifying certain provisions of the Minnesota Poisoning Prevention Act relating
to lead standards; modifying certain provisions relating to registration of
supplemental nursing services agencies; providing enforcement of dementia care
training standards for staff working in housing with services settings and for
housing management, fine imposition for noncompliance and certain technical
assistance provided instead of imposing fines under certain conditions;
modifying the funding formula for community health boards; modifying certain
mortuary science state examination, internship, and continuing education
provisions, increasing fees, establishment update, and funeral provider reports
to commissioner requirements; modifying certain food, beverage, and lodging
establishment provisions relating to licensure requirements and fees, specifying
youth camps annual fee requirements, modifying construction plan reviews
requirements and certain posting requirements; making technical changes
Modifying certain fees
relating to the boards of optometry, social work practice, dentistry, and
pharmacy; making technical changes
Providing a summary of appropriations by fund; appropriating
money to the commissioner of human services for working family credit to be
claimed for TANF/MOE, TANF transfer to federal child care and development fund,
central office, forecasted programs, grant programs, direct care and treatment
(DCT) state-operated services, direct care and treatment (DCT) Minnesota sex
offender program, and technical activities; appropriating money to the
commissioner of health, providing a summary of appropriation by various funds,
appropriating money for health improvement, health protection, and
administrative support services; appropriating money to the boards of
chiropractic examiners, dentistry, dietetics and nutrition practice, marriage
and family therapy, medical practice, nursing, nursing home administrators,
optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, podiatry, psychology, social work,
veterinary medicine, and behavioral health and therapy; appropriating money to
the medical services regulatory board, the council on disability, the ombudsman
for mental health and development disabilities, and the ombudsman for families;
allowing nonfederal share transfers; providing for grant transfers and
administration; prohibiting indirect costs to fund programs; expiration of
uncodified language