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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 88

Bill Name: SF0453

1E Relating to education


kindergarten early admission policy requirements; specifying all day
kindergarten calendar length of school year hours of instruction; modifying
pupil accounting cross references; clarifying pupil counts for all day
kindergarten; clarifying the inflation adjustment for nonpublic pupil aids;
modifying pupil unit weights; modifying and expanding certain provisions
relating to declining enrollment revenue, learning year pupil units all day
kindergarten, general education revenue, basic revenue, extended time revenue,
small schools revenue, basic supplemental revenue, safe school revenue,
compensatory revenue, sparsity revenue, operating capital equity, transition
calculations, alternative teach compensation, pension adjustment revenue,
learning and development revenue, expanding general education and basic skills
revenue usage, general education levy, general education revenue usage
limitation, referendum revenue, compensatory supplemental formula aid, early
graduation scholarships and military services awards, building lease levy, safe
schools supplementary levy authority intermediate school districts, alternative
attendance adjustments, general education aid for charter schools, statewide
average revenue, Minneapolis and St. Paul districts board approved bonding
authority, and school district levy adjustments; appropriating money to the
department of education for general education aid, enrollment options
transportation, abatement revenue, consolidation transition, nonpublic pupil
education aid, nonpublic pupil transportation, the Angle Inlet school grant,
compensatory pilot project formula aid grants, and compensatory revenue pilot
program grants; repealing certain provisions relating to early graduation
scholarships and military service awards, certain operating capital levy
definitions, equity revenue and transition revenue formulas, referendum
conversion allowance, alternative teacher compensation, and aid reduction for
changes in employer retirement contribution rates


Modifying and clarifying state graduation requirements and
educational expectations; requiring school districts to assist students to
explore college and career interests and develop a transition plan to
postsecondary education or employment; modifying educational planning and
assessment systems (EPAS) program requirements for students entering grade 8
through the 2013-2014 school year; modifying statewide testing; providing for a
series of statewide assessments aligned with state academic standards and career
and college readiness benchmarks, specifying commissioner of education
requirements for computer-adaptive math and reading assessments, defining terms,
modifying school performance report cards, and providing for statewide
assessment and accountability transition; creating a career pathways advisory
task force, specifying certain duties and membership requirements, sunset
provision; appropriating money to the department of education for the statewide
testing and reporting system; repealing certain rules relating to


Increasing the compulsory
school attendance age to 17 years old; allowing certain eligible 16-year old
students to be assigned to area learning centers; increasing the age for legal
withdrawal from school to age 17; establishing a formula for basic alternative
teacher compensation aid, levy and equalization aid; modifying state approved
alternative program designations; establishing a math corps program; designating
the career and technical levy a revenue program; making technical changes to
school district English leaner (EL) programs revenue; establishing the
achievement and integration for Minnesota program to increase student
performance and equitable educational opportunities and prepare all students to
be effective citizens, implementing integration revenue replacement advisory
task force recommendations, repurposing integration revenue; modifying the
definition of habitual truant; delaying the implementation date for the teacher
evaluation system; appropriating money to the department of education for
integration aid, literacy incentive aid, interdistrict desegregation or
integration transportation grants, success for the future, American Indian
teacher preparation grants, tribal contract schools, early childhood programs at
tribal schools, teacher training and support programs examination fees,
concurrent enrollment programs, collaborative urban educator program,
ServeMinnesota programs, student organizations, early childhood literacy
programs, Minnesota math corps program, alternative teacher compensation aid,
teacher development and evaluation pilot grant program, and career and technical


Expanding charter school authorizer annual
public reporting requirements; allowing a school district to lease a building to
an authorized charter school; conforming charter school general education
revenue for changes to general education revenue and pupil weights; increasing
the maximum amount of building lease aid and modifying the lease aid formula for
certain schools; appropriating money to the department of education for charter
school building lease aid


Making certain
conforming and technical changes in special education aid calculations, general
education revenue definitions, and general education revenue calculations;
specifying the state total special education aid for 2013-2017; appropriating
money to the department of education for regular special education, aid for
children with disabilities, travel for home-based services, special education
excess costs, court-placed special education revenue, and special education
out-of-state tuition; repealing access to the transition system for children
with a disability initial aid, exclusion, and revenue allocation from
cooperative centers and intermediate districts, and special education revenue
allocation from cooperative centers and intermediates


Making certain adjustments for changes in pupil weights;
authorizing independent school district #2904, Tracy to use expired disabled
access levy authority; authorizing an elevator repair levy for independent
school district #2527, Norman County West; appropriating money to the department
of education for health and safety revenue, debt service equalization,
alternative facilities bonding aid, equity in telecommunications access, and
deferred maintenance aid


Expanding and updating school district levy recognition
references; increasing the state payment participants for school lunch aid;
prohibiting participating schools from denying a lunch to children qualifying
for reduced price meals or notice of inability to pay; modifying the method for
disbursement of summer food service replacement aid; specifying the aid payment
percentage to school districts; providing for the facilitation of independent
school districts #611, Cyrus and #769, Morris consolidation; authorizing
independent school district #611, Cyrus to sell general obligation bonds without
election; exempting Independent school district #402, Hendricks from the general
tuition reciprocity agreement; appropriating money to the department of
education for school lunch and breakfast, kindergarten milk, and summer school
service replacement aid, basic system support grants, multicounty, multitype
library systems, electronic library, and regional telecommunications


Establishing an early learning scholarship program; prescribing
certain duties of the office of early learning, defining terms; specifying
participant eligibility; specifying amounts of and the process of awarding
scholarships, scholarship recipients choice of programs, building quality and
payment to the fiscal agent; specifying that scholarships not be counted as
earned income; specifying program providers do not disclose student's
identification number; report requirement; classifying program data; increasing
the state total adult basic education aid program growth factor percentage;
allowing the director to establish an expedited process to award scholarships
for fiscal year 2014;appropriating money to the department of education for
school readiness, early childhood family education aid, early childhood
education scholarships, parent child home program grant, health and
developmental screening aid, head start program, education parents partnership,
kindergarten entrance assessment initiative and intervention program, community
education aid, adults with disabilities program aid, hearing impaired adults
programs, school age care revenue, adult basic education aid, and GED tests


Appropriating money to the department of
education for the Minnesota children?s museum, Minnesota academy of science,
Duluth children?s museum, board of teaching, board of school administrators,
office of enterprise technology, school finance division, Northeast service
cooperative, school districts antibullying policy, Minnesota humanities
commission, governor?s office, certain departmental costs, and appropriating
money to the department of teaching for licensure by portfolio, to the Minnesota
state academies for the deaf and the blind, and to the Perpich center for arts


Adjusting general education
aid, enrollment options transportation, abatement revenue, consolidation
transition, nonpublic pupil education aid, nonpublic pupil transportation,
compensatory pilot project formula aid, charter school building lease aid,
charter school start-up aid, integration aid, literacy incentive aid,
interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation grants, success for
the future grants, tribal contract schools aid, regular special education aid,
aid for children with disabilities, travel for home-based services, excess costs
special education, health and safety revenue, debt service equalization,
alternative facilities bonding aid, deferred maintenance aid, school lunch aid,
school breakfast aid, kindergarten milk aid, basic system support grants,
multicounty, multitype library systems grants, regional library
telecommunications aid, school readiness programs, early childhood family
education aid, health and developmental screening aid, community education aid,
adults with disabilities program aid, and adult basic education