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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 85

Bill Name: SF0300

1E Relating to public defense; updating and clarifying certain public defense
provisions; eliminating the defendant representation copayment requirement;
making certain technical changes; eliminating state public defender right to
decline to represent indigent petitioners in postconviction remedy cases;
requiring the state public defender to supervise the public defender system and
allowing the state public defender to assist districts, appointed counsel and
organizations; providing for the appointment of a chief appellate public
defender by the board of public defense, specifying term limit and
qualifications; requiring compensation to be set by the board; prohibiting chief
public defenders from engaging in the general practice of law; requiring county
payment of advisory and standby counsel, allowing chief appellate public
defenders to use certain transcripts of testimony in certain situations;
clarifying appointed counsel reimbursement; repealing the public defender
reimbursement rate