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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF0269

E Requiring health plan companies covering prescription drugs or + devices to
include coverage for prescription contraceptive drugs or devices +approved by
the federal food and drug administration (FDA), authorizing the plans+ to limit
coverage for oral contraceptives to the drugs listed on the drug +formulary
maintained for the plan; prohibiting the imposition of deductibles, +copayments,
coinsurance or other enrollee cost sharing provisions or waiting +periods
greater than the cost sharing or waiting period requirements imposed +for other
covered prescription drugs or devices or outpatient services and +specifying
certain health plan company prohibited practices; requiring health +plan
companies to exclude religious employers from the coverage +requirements upon
request under certain conditions, requiring the employers excluded to+ provide
enrollees and prospective enrollees notice of the exclusion, defining+ religious
employer (mk, ja)