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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 81

Bill Name: SF0088

Providing for election campaign finance reform; stating legislative findings
relating to the use of private money to finance campaigns and the intent of the
provisions to provide for clean money campaigns funded without special interest
money; defining or redefining certain terms under the ethics in government act
and under certain general elections provisions; prohibiting the state campaign
finance and public disclosure board from publishing home addresses or telephone
numbers on the web site; expanding political campaign committee registration
content requirements; requiring electronic filing of certain campaign reports
and board publication of campaign reports on the web site within a certain
number of days of the report due date; expanding and modifying certain
independent expenditure report filing and notice requirements; requiring excess
spending reports by candidates not signing spending limit agreements; clarifying
the application of spending limits and increasing spending limits for candidates
for constitutional office and the legislature; modifying certain requirements
for candidates choosing not to be bound by expenditure limits and providing for
the release of candidates from expenditure limits under certain conditions;
limiting independent expenditures by principal campaign committees and political
parties and imposing contribution and spending limits on political party
caucuses as a condition of candidate or party caucus receipt of a public
subsidy; limiting political party multicandidate expenditures; reducing certain
contribution and spending limits; imposing civil fines for exceeding certain
contribution or expenditure limits; modifying the special election subsidy for
candidates for legislative office; modifying certain spending limit agreement
requirements of candidates and imposing agreement requirements on political
parties and party caucuses as a condition of receiving a public subsidy;
requiring principal campaign committees or party units to return to the board or
destroy nonissued official refund receipt forms and imposing criminal penalties
for unlawful issuance of the forms; increasing public subsidies for candidates
agreeing to lower contribution limits; increasing spending limits and public
subsidies to respond to independent expenditures and excess spending by
nonparticipating candidates; requiring candidate participation in a certain
number of public debates for public subsidy eligibility purposes; increasing the
maximum political contribution refund; contribution and expenditure limits
transitional provision; repealing the income tax election campaign checkoff (mk)