1E Requiring public utilities to meet certain renewable energy standards;
modifying certain eligible energy objectives requirements; specifying an
eligible technology standard; requiring nuclear generating facilities to meet
certain eligible energy technologies; authorizing the public utilities
commission (PUC) to delay or modify the implementation of a standard obligation
under certain conditions; authorizing the PUC to exercise the authority to delay
or modify implementation of a standard obligation as part of an integrated
resource planning procedure; requiring the PUC to establish a program for
tradable renewable energy credits by a certain date; requiring the PUC to
require all electric utilities to participate in commission approved credit
tracking systems; requiring the PUC to investigate and order compliance with
the requirements, authorizing imposition of a financial penalty for failure to
comply; requiring the PUC to maximize benefits to Minnesota citizens; requiring
certain utilities to study and develop transmission network enhancements to
support the set requirements and milestones for renewable energy; repealing
certain statutes relating to setting renewable and high efficiency energy rate
(Ch. 3, 2007)