hf2446CHAPTER 284: Effective date August 1, 2004SECOND ENGROSSMENTState fund and
account elimination and consolidation principles, +criteria, and procedures
authorized.ARTICLE 1�SPECIAL REVENUE ACCOUNTSSection 1: Funds and accounts
created by law language updated.Sec. 2: Commissioner duties expanded to manage
funds and accounts.Sec. 3: Agency reports required.Sec. 4: Special revenue
fund created.Sec. 5: Commissioner's recommendations on fee accounts
required.ARTICLE 2�STATE BUDGET PROCESSSection 1: Appropriation language
modified.Sec. 2-3: Appropriations committee replaced with Ways and Means
+committee.Sec. 4: Reporting information provided.Sec. 5: Detailed budget
governor recommendation technical language +modifiedSec. 6-18: Conforming
changes.Sec. 19: Revisor's instruction.Sec. 20: Repealer.AE