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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 81

Bill Name: HF2404

hf2404FIRST ENGROSSMENTOmnibus crime prevention and judiciary finance
bill.ARTICLE 1 - APPROPRIATIONSSection 1: criminal justice appropriations
summary provided. Sec. 2: supreme court operations, legal services, and state
court administration appropriations provided. Sec. 3: court of appeals
appropriation provided. Sec. 4: district courts appropriation provided. Sec. 5:
board of judicial standards appropriation provided. Sec. 6: tax court
appropriation provided. Sec. 7: public safety appropriation provided including
criminal apprehension, fire marshal, alcohol and gambling enforcement, and law
enforcement and community grants (including CODEFOR demonstration grant). Sec.
8: crime victim services center appropriation provided. Sec. 9: crime victim
ombudsman appropriation provided. Sec. 10: board of private detective and
protective agent services appropriation provided. Sec. 11: board of peace
officer standards and training appropriation provided. Sec. 12: board of public
defense appropriation provided. Sec. 13: department of corrections appropriation
provided including correctional institution, juvenile services, community
services, and management services funding. Sec. 14: corrections ombudsman
appropriation provided. Sec. 15: sentencing guidelines commission appropriation
provided. Sec. 16: human rights appropriation provided. Sec. 17: uniform laws
commission appropriation provided. Sec. 18: administration department
appropriation provided. Sec. 19: attorney general appropriation provided for a
grant to the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Advisory Council. Sec. 20:
auto theft prevention board appropriation provided. Sec. 21: previous federal
matching funds deficiency appropriation provided. Sec. 22: uncodified language
sunset provided.ARTICLE 2 - SENTENCING PROVISIONS Sec. 1: three strikes; third
time violent felony offenders minimum life sentence defined. Sec. 2: supervised
release provided for third time violent felony offenders after minimum term of
imprisonment served. Sec. 3-5: fleeing a peace officer not considered a bar to
prosecution for offenses committed as part of the same conduct. Sec. 6: three
strikes; third time violent felony offenders mandatory life imprisonment
sentence imposed, and violent crime definition clarified. Sec. 7: certain
offenders required to provide biological specimens upon sentencing for purposes
of DNA analysis. Sec. 8: certain convicted offenders required to provide
biological specimens before completion of term of imprisonment. Sec. 9:
instruction to revisor. Sec. 10: effective dates.ARTICLE 3 - PUBLIC SAFETY Sec.
1: disaster aid provided for political subdivisions, and matching fund
requirement specified. Sec. 2: work group established to study natural or other
disasters, and report to legislature required. Sec. 3: office of drug policy and
violence prevention transferred to the department of public safety. Sec. 4-5:
chemical abuse and violence prevention council required to advise the
commissioner of public safety. Sec. 6-10: neighborhood pilot projects, drug
prevention grants, and other duties transferred to the department of public
safety. Sec. 11: automobile theft prevention board required to conduct training
programs for law enforcement personnel on responding to automobile thefts. Sec.
12: office of drug policy and violence prevention and community advisory
violence prevention council powers and duties transferred to the department of
public safety. Sec. 13: CODEFOR law enforcement strategy demonstration grant
program established for Minneapolis or Hennepin county. Sec. 14: bomb disposal
unit reimbursement limitation removed. Sec. 15: criminal and juvenile justice
information policy group task force membership expanded. Sec. 16: criminal and
juvenile justice information policy group review of criminal justice information
system grants provided. Sec. 17: comprehensive criminal justice information
integration plan development provided. Sec. 18: integration plan funding request
requirements provided. Sec. 19: integration plan grant local math requirements
provided. Sec. 20: documentation and reporting requirements provided integration
plan grant recipients. Sec. 21: criminal justice information system improvement
aid authorized. Sec. 22: pursuit of fleeing suspects by peace officers reporting
requirements simplified. Sec. 23: board of peace officer standards and training
reference relating to development of pursuit policies stricken. Sec. 24: peace
officer conduct during pursuit of fleeing subject requirements provided;
statewide policy model provided, agency policies required, preservice training
in police pursuits required, in-service training in police pursuits required,
licensing sanctions imposed, and injunctive relief provided. Sec. 25: revisor
instruction. Sec. 26: repealer. ARTICLE 4 - CORRECTIONS Sec. 1: Definitions
provided relating to productive day initiative programs and fee collection. Sec.
2: correctional facility definition modified, and counties encouraged to
establish productive day initiative programs. Sec. 3: productive day initiative
program components modified. Sec. 4: counties charged for per diem cost of
confinement of juvenile females committed to the commissioner of corrections.
Sec. 5: Minnesota correctional facility - Rush City established. Sec. 6: local
probation and parole agencies prohibited from collecting feels if commissioner
of corrections already imposes and collects a fee. Sec. 7: commissioner of
corrections authorized to collect correctional fees from convicts. Sec. 8: Camp
Ripley work program closed, and offenders transferred back to sentencing
counties. Sec. 9: repealer. Sec. 10: effective date.ARTICLE 5 - CRIME VICTIM
SERVICES Sec. 1: mediation programs for crime victims and offenders grant
authority transferred to executive director of the center for crime victim
services. Sec. 2: responsibilities for providing secure crisis shelter
transferred to the director of the Minnesota center for crime victim services.
Sec. 3: residential programs for women leaving prostitution grant authorized and
administered. Sec. 4: pilot project grant program to provide services to crime
witnesses established, and report required. Sec. 5: repealer. Sec. 6: effective
date. ARTICLE 6 - COURTS PROVISIONS Sec. 1: number of district court judges
increased. Sec. 2: judicial branch definition clarified relating to guardian ad
litem program employees. Sec. 3: judicial employees eligible for state paid
insurance provisions clarified. Sec. 4: court reporter payment provided by state
courts. Sec. 5: civil commitment proceedings examiners payment provided by state
courts. Sec. 6: civil commitment transcripts costs paid by state courts. Sec.
7-10: state payment of guardian ad litem costs provided. Sec. 11: guardian ad
litems and other court employees removed from municipal tort liability law. Sec.
12: qualified court interpreter training program established, and fees
specified. Sec. 13: guardian ad litem compensation regulated. Sec. 14: state
assumption of certain court costs provided, including court interpreter costs,
guardian ad litem program and personnel costs, mental commitment costs, other
examination costs, in forma pauperis costs, mandated transcript costs, and jury
program costs. Sec. 15: housing calendar consolidation program authorized
outside the second and fourth judicial districts. Sec. 16: housing calendar
consolidation program required to provide for consolidation of landlord-tenant
damage actions and actions for rent. Sec. 17: guardian ad litem program
coordinators and staff provided Ramsey county judges. Sec. 18: Hennepin county
judges provided guardian ad litem program coordinators and staff. Sec. 19: court
administrator salaries set by state in counties where administrators are paid by
state. Sec. 20: court administrator office budgets set by state in counties
where administration is paid for by state. Sec. 21: deputy costs budgeted by
state in counties where court costs are paid for by state. Sec. 22: vital
statistic documentation duties to become county functions in defined counties.
Sec. 23: state-funded judicial district counties exempted from county board
determination of employees. Sec. 24: guardian ad litem reimbursements deposited
in general fund and credited to separate account appropriated to trial courts.
Sec. 25: juror food and lodging paid for by state courts. Sec. 26: qualified per
diem interpreter costs paid by state courts. Sec. 27: in forma pauperis
proceedings paid for by state. Sec. 28-29: in forma pauperis costs paid credited
to the general fund. Sec. 30: interpreter fees and expenses paid for by state
courts, except when requested by agencies for purposes other than court
appearances. Sec. 31: task force established to study court-appointed attorney
costs. Sec. 32: county hiring and salary moratorium imposed. Sec. 33: repealer.
FINANCING OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS Sec. 1: employees for whom the state court
administrator is the negotiating employer deemed not essential employees. Sec.
2: public employee definition modified relating to court employees. Sec. 3:
public employer definition extended to include state court administrator for
court employees. Sec. 4: court employee definition provided. Sec. 5:
confidential court employees, confidential University of Minnesota employees,
and supervisory and managerial court employees excluded from bargaining. Sec. 6:
assignment authority for court employee classifications granted. Sec. 7: court
employee bargaining units set, and exclusions provided. Sec. 8: transition to
new bargaining structure provided. Sec. 9: general contract provisions for court
employees provided. Sec. 10: state unit election provision applied to judicial
branch employees. Sec. 11: commissioner of employee relations designated as
employer of executive branch employees. Sec. 12: executive branch negotiation
representation provided. Sec. 13: state court representation provided for court
employee negotiations, and agreement authority granted state court
administrator. Sec. 14: effective date.cth