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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: HF0750

hf750THIRD ENGROSSMENTOmnibus judiciary finance bill providing funding for
corrections, +public safety, courts, and other agencies; imposing criminal
penalties; and appropriating money.ARTICLE 1�APPROPRIATIONSSection 1:
Criminal justice appropriations summarized.Sec. 2: Supreme court appropriations
detailed.Sec. 3: Court of appeals appropriations detailed.Sec. 4: District
courts appropriations detailed.Sec. 5: Tax court appropriations detailed.Sec.
6: Uniform laws commission appropriations detailed.Sec. 7: Board on judicial
standards appropriations detailed.Sec. 8: Board of public defense
appropriations detailed.Sec. 9: Public safety appropriations detailed.Sec. 10:
Peace officers standards appropriations detailed.Sec. 11: Private detective
board appropriations detailed.Sec. 12: Human rights appropriations
detailed.Sec. 13: Corrections appropriations detailed.Sec. 14: Sentencing
guidelines appropriations detailed.Sec. 15: Department of human services
appropriations detailed.Sec. 16: Deficiency appropriation detailed.Sec. 17:
Sunset of uncodified language provided.Sec. 18: Effective date.ARTICLE
2�COURT POLICYSection 1: Governor and chief justice of supreme court
authorized to+ employ counsel.Sec. 2: Commitment paper regulations
clarified.Sec. 3: Fee amounts increased.Sec. 4: Conciliation court fee
clarified.Sec. 5: Appeal fees increased.Sec. 6: Filing fee imposed.Sec. 7:
Time period language clarified.Sec. 8: Bond amount limitation provided.Sec. 9:
Minimum fines dates modified.Sec. 10: Presentence investigation procedures
modified.Sec. 11: Repealer.ARTICLE 3�PUBLIC DEFENSESection 1: "Debt"
definition modified.Sec. 2: Appeal of pretrial orders, attorney fees,
defendant, and +government responsibility regulations established.Sec. 3:
Indigent petitioners regulations clarified.Sec. 4: Public defender right to
representation regulations +clarified.Sec. 5: Financial inquiry statements and
co-payment standards +modified.Sec. 6: Technical change.Sec. 7: Representation
language clarified.Sec. 8: Persons defended regulations provided.Sec. 9:
Government data access clarified.ARTICLE 4�PUBLIC SAFETYSection 1: Meth lab
containment teams established.Sec. 2: Standard approved by FBI required.Sec. 3:
Division powers and duties clarified.Sec. 4: Background check fee
clarified.Sec. 5: Fingerprint taking fee imposed.Sec. 6: Authorized agency
connection clarified.Sec. 7: Technical language update.Sec. 8: Fire inspection
fees imposed on hotels.Sec. 9: Special account created.Sec. 10: Public school
fire inspections required.Sec. 11: "Multipurpose potable water piping system
contractor" +defined.Sec. 12: "Multipurpose potable water piping system"
defined.Sec. 13: "Multipurpose potable water piping system installer"
+defined.Sec. 14: Multipurpose potable water piping system contractor license
regulated.Sec. 15: Multipurpose potable water piping system installer
+certificate required.Sec. 16: Journeyman sprinkler fitter certification fee
appropriation+ provided.Sec. 17-19: Conforming changes.Sec. 20: Dates
extended.Sec. 21: Repealer.ARTICLE 5�CORRECTIONS POLICY PROVISIONSSection 1:
Biennial report required.Sec. 2: Separate cell regulations modified.Sec. 3:
Inmate food regulations established.Sec. 4: Private, nonprofit faith-based
institution program +established.Sec. 5: Custody regulations modified.Sec. 6:
Related terms defined.Sec. 7: Sentence to more than 180 days regulated.Sec. 8:
Placement in private prisons authorized.Sec. 9: Multiple occupancy
permitted.Sec. 10: Multiple occupancy cells regulated.Sec. 11: Placement in
private prisons authorized.Sec. 12: Privatization proposals accepted.Sec. 13:
Prison privatization advisory committee established.Sec. 14: Cost-effectiveness
study required.Sec. 15: Creation of pretrial diversion study group
provided.Sec. 16: Repealer.Sec. 17: Expiration date.ARTICLE
6�PROBATIONSection 1: Related terms defined.Sec. 2: Initiation of sanctions
conference provided.Sec. 3: Participation in sanctions conference
regulated.Sec. 4: Election not to participate provided.Sec. 5: Conforming
changes.Sec. 6: Sanctions conference procedures provided.Sec. 7: Repealer.Sec.
8: Effective date.ARTICLE 7�JUVENILE LAW POLICYSection 1: Venue regulations
modified.Sec. 2: Transfer regulations modified.Sec. 3: Delinquency petition
dates clarified.Sec. 4: Availability provided.Sec. 5: Date specified.Sec. 6:
Notification regulations modified.Sec. 7: Jurisdiction termination procedures
modified.Sec. 8: Guardian ad litem regulations clarified.Sec. 9: Date
specified.ARTICLE 8�CRIMINAL JUSTICESection 1: Manufacture crimes specified
regarding methamphetamine.Sec. 2: Penalty clarified.Sec. 3: Surcharges
modified.Sec. 4: State treasurer disbursement modified.Sec. 5: Effective date
modified.Sec. 6: Penalty regulations modified.Sec. 7: Manufacture or sale of
slungshot or sand club no longer a misdemeanor.Sec. 8: Effective date
modified.Sec. 9: Silencer regulations established.Sec. 10: Unlawful deposit of
garbage or litter designated a petty +misdemeanor.Sec. 11: Unlawful smoking
designated a petty misdemeanor.Sec. 12: Petition contents clarified.Sec. 13:
Temporary restraining order regulations modified.Sec. 14: Restraining order
regulations clarified.Sec. 15: Sentencing guidelines modifications
1: "Prior impaired driving-related loss of license" defined.Sec. 2: "Control
analysis" defined.Sec. 3: Legislative intent clarified.Sec. 4: Statutory
reference added.Sec. 5-7: Degree descriptions clarified.Sec. 8: Fourth driving
while impaired offense penalties increased.Sec. 9: Fifth offense penalties
provided.Sec. 10: Related terms defined.Sec. 11: Conforming changes.Sec. 12:
Conditional release provisions modified.Sec. 13: Conforming change.Sec. 14:
Hearing issues order appeal process modified.Sec. 15: Implied consent
revocation applicability regulations +modified.Sec. 16: Registration plate
reissuance regulations modified.Sec. 17: Special registration plate regulations
modified.Sec. 18: Aiding and abetting crime established.Sec. 19: Stay of
sentence clarified.Sec. 20: Nonapplicability to felony DWI provided.ARTICLE
10�PROSTITUTIONSection 1: Aggregation of cases provided.Sec. 2: Other
prostitution crimes addressed.Sec. 3: Commissioner designation changed.Sec. 4:
Related terms defined, collection of information and study +on certain
prostitution cases provided, and report required.Sec. 5: Reports on penalty
assessments for prostitution crimes +required.AE