Minnesota False Claims Act established.
Sec. 1:
False claims language and definitions provided.
Sec. 2: Liability to the
state for a civil penalty provision provided.
Sec. 3: Exclusion
Sec. 4: Attorney General responsibilities provided.
Sec. 5:
Private remedies authorized and evidence disclosure methods provided.
Sec. 6:
Attorney general intervention required having received a complaint and
disclosure, and extended time motion authorized.
Sec. 7: Unsealed complaint
and defendant response provision provided.
Sec. 8: Roles of the Attorney
General and private parties provided.
Sec. 9: Stay of discovery and extension
Sec. 10: Court-imposed limitation upon participation of a private
plaintiff in action authorized.
Sec. 11: Action limitations and remedies
Sec. 12: Award of expenses and attorney fees authorized
Sec. 13:
Recovery distribution regulation provided.
Sec. 14: Employer restrictions and
liability provided.
ERS, 3/17/09