K-12 education omnibus bill.
Article 1: General
education provisions provided.
Sec. 1: Permanent school fund reporting
provision language modified.
Sec. 2: School calendar requirements language
Sec. 3: Effective staff development activities provision language
added to include boiler operator training, basic first aid, CPR certification,
and automatic external defibrillator use.
Sec. 4: Staff development revenue
provision language modified.
Sec. 5: Audited financial statement for
comparison and correction requirement language modified.
Sec. 6: Failure to
limit expenditures notice requirement language modified.
Sec. 7: Nonresident
tuition rates provision language modified.
Sec. 8: Foreign exchange pupil
provision language added.
Sec. 9: Elementary and secondary sparsity revenue
eligibility provided for school districts that close facilities.
Sec. 10:
Building allocation provision language modified.
Sec. 11: Separate accounts
provision language modified to include cooperative units.
Sec. 12: Voter
referendum revenue provision language added.
Sec. 13: School district lease
purchase provision language modified.
Sec. 14: Retired employee health
benefits provision language added.
Sec. 15: Safe schools levy authorization
on taxable property within the district provision language added.
Sec. 16:
Alternative attendance programs provision language modified.
Sec. 17:
Electors approval exemptions provision language modified.
Sec. 18: Working
group required to study effects of an early graduation incentives program for
highly motivated students.
Sec. 19: ISDN 2142; St. Louis County; Eligibility
for sparsity revenue provided.
Sec. 20: ISDN 858; St. Charles; Eligibility
for declining pupil unit aid provided.
Sec. 21: Onetime general education
revenue reduction provided; Reduction replaced with federal funds from the
fiscal stabilization account.
Sec. 22: Revisor's instruction; Boiler operator
training phrase removed from statute after sunset.
Sec. 23: Study required of
the net property tax impact if expiring referendums are renewed.
Sec. 24:
General fund appropriations provided.
Subd 1: Department of Education
appropriations provided.
Subd 2: General education aid appropriation
Subd 3: Enrollment options transportation appropriation
Subd 4: Abatement revenue appropriation provided.
Subd 5:
Consolidation transition appropriation provided.
Subd 6: Nonpublic pupil
education aid appropriation provided.
Subd 7: Nonpublic pupil transportation
appropriation provided.
Subd 8: ISDN 690; Warroad; Angle Inlet School
appropriation provided.
Subd 9: ISDN 239; Rushford-Peterson; School district
flood enrollment impact aid appropriation provided.
Subd 10: ISDN 356;
Lancaster; Sparsity revenue replacement appropriation provided.
Subd 11:
Compensatory revenue pilot project appropriation provided.
Sec. 25: Federal
fund appropriations provided.
Subd 1: Department of education appropriation
Subd 2: General education offset appropriation
Article 2: Education excellence provisions provided.
Sec. 1:
Annual information collection from local governments requirement provision
language added, online clearinghouse of examples of good government in
procurement and shared services authorized.
Sec. 2: Access to student data
and participation in school conferences by individuals authorized with parent or
guardian permission.
Sec. 3: Educational expectations provision for
Minnesota's students language added.
Sec. 4: Required academic standards
provision language modified.
Sec. 5: Districts requirement to establish
elective standards language added, world language proficiency and high
achievement certificates authorized.
Sec. 6: Academic standard revisions and
reviews requirement provision language modified.
Sec. 7: School board report
requirement language modified.
Sec. 8: Advanced placement, international
baccalaureate, and concurrent enrollment programs provision language
Sec. 9: Raised academic achievement program language
Sec. 10: Definitions provided.
Sec. 11: Statewide testing and
reporting system provision language modified.
Sec. 12: System accountability
and statistical adjustments provision language modified.
Sec. 13: Measuring
and reporting system of student academic achievement and growth requirement
language modified.
Sec. 14: School accountability report requirement and
appeals process provision language modified.
Sec. 15: School districts
encouraged to participation in Minnesota Council for Quality's organizational
assessment and performance improvement process.
Sec. 16: School reports on
enrolled persons requirement language modified.
Sec. 17: Board of Teaching
eligibility and board composition requirement language modified.
Sec. 18:
Vacant position provision language modified.
Sec. 19: License expiration and
renewal procedures provision language modified.
Sec. 20: Mentoring process
requirement for probationary teachers language added.
Sec. 21: Peer coaching
process requirement for continuing contract teachers language modified.
22: Mentoring process requirement for probationary teachers language
Sec. 23: Peer coaching process requirement for continuing contract
teachers language modified.
Sec. 24: Education improvement plan components
provision language modified.
Sec. 25: Alternative teacher professional pay
system provision language modified.
Sec. 26: Alternative teacher professional
pay system approval process provision language modified.
Sec. 27: Staff
development plan contents provision language added.
Sec. 28: State-approved
alternative program organization provided; area learning centers, alternative
learning programs, and contract alternatives included.
Sec. 29:
State-approved alternative programs and services provision language
Sec. 30: State-approved alternative program funding provision
language modified.
Sec. 31: Background check provision language
Sec. 32: Investigation of disciplinary actions taken against
prospective teachers requirement language modified.
Sec. 33: District-created
site-governed schools authorized.
Sec. 34: Superintendent employment contract
and duties provision language modified.
Sec. 35: School board fees provision
language added.
Sec. 36: School board control of extracurricular activities
provision language modified to include charter school provisions.
Sec. 37:
Temporary schoolhouse closing provision language provided.
Sec. 38:
Definitions expanded to include online course syllabus.
Sec. 39: Online
learning program authorization, notice and limitations on enrollment provision
language modified.
Sec. 40: Online learning parameters provision language
Sec. 41: Department of Education review and certification of online
learning programs requirement language modified.
Sec. 42: Online Learning
Advisory Council provision language modified.
Sec. 43: Charter schools
provisions language modified.
Sec. 44: Charter school building lease aid
provision language added.
Sec. 45: Charter school aid payments provision
language modified.
Sec. 46: State-approved alternative program designation
provision language modified.
Sec. 47: Learning year program information
requirement language modified.
Sec. 48: Program training requirement language
Sec. 49: Minnesota reading corps program established.
Sec. 50:
Graduation incentives program eligibility provision language stricken.
51: Eligible programs provision language modified.
Sec. 52: Additional
eligible program language stricken.
Sec. 53: Pupil enrollment provision
language modified.
Sec. 54: Early childhood family education grants provision
language modified.
Sec. 55: Integration revenue use provision language
Sec. 56: Desegregation/integration plan budget requirement
Sec. 57: Desegregation/integration plan components
provision language modified.
Sec. 58: Learning year program pupil units
provision language modified.
Sec. 59: Project-based instruction al program
average daily membership provision language modified.
Sec. 60: Basic
alternative teacher compensation aid provision language
Sec. 61:
Minnesota P-20 education partnership established.
Sec. 62: Driver's
instruction permit provision language modified.
Sec. 63: Offenses provision
resulting in license revocation language added.
Sec. 64: Driver's violations
provision language modified.
Sec. 65: Employment certificate issuance
provision language modified.
Sec. 66: Pay differential of reserve on active
duty provision language modified.
Sec. 67: Procedures provided for
implementation of rigorous coursework requirements related to student
Sec. 68: Procedures provided for implementation of measures for
assessing school safety and students' engagement and connection at
Sec. 69: Advisory group required to examine the characteristics and
impact of high stakes math and science tests in the context of awarding high
school diplomas.
Sec. 70: Legislative report required on districts' use of
and need for integration revenue.
Sec. 71: Appropriations provided.
Subd 1:
Department of Education appropriations provided from the general fund.
Subd 2:
Charter school building lease aid appropriation provided.
Subd 3: Charter
school startup cost aid appropriation provided.
Subd 4: Integration aid
appropriation provided.
Subd 5: Magnet school and program grants appropriation
Subd 6: Interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation
grants appropriation provided.
Subd 7: American Indian success for the future
grants appropriation provided.
Subd 8: American Indian teacher preparation
grants appropriation provided.
Subd 9: Tribal contract school aid
appropriation provided.
Subd 10: Early childhood programs at tribal schools
appropriation provided.
Subd 11: Statewide testing and reporting system
appropriation provided.
Subd 12: Advanced placement and international
baccalaureate examination fees, teacher training and support programs
appropriation provided.
Subd 13: Concurrent enrollment programs appropriation
Subd 14: Collaborative urban educator grant program appropriation
Subd 15: Youth works programs appropriation provided.
Subd 16:
Student organizations appropriations provided.
Subd 17: Education Planning and
Assessment System program appropriation provided.
Subd 18: Early childhood
literacy programs appropriation provided.
Sec. 72: Repealer.
Article 3:
Special programs provisions provided.
Sec. 1: Pupil definition
Sec. 2: Suspension definition modified.
Sec. 3: Exclusion and
expulsion of pupils with a disability provision language modified.
Sec. 4:
Reimbursement provision for the services of interpreters/transliterators
provision language modified.
Sec. 5: Child with a disability definition
Sec. 6: General school district obligations to children with
disabilities provided.
Sec. 7: Rulemaking language modified.
Sec. 8:
Individualized educations program requirements for children with disabilities
language modified.
Sec. 9: Alternative dispute resolution and due process
hearings over special education services provision language modified.
10: Restrictive procedures for children with disabilities provided.
Sec. 11:
Restrictive procedures definitions provided.
Sec. 12: Restrictive procedures
standards provided.
Sec. 13: Temporary placement of a child with a disability
in another school district provision language modified.
Sec. 14: State
Interagency Coordinating Council language modified, expiration extended to
Sec. 15: Placement, education, and transportation of children with
short-term or temporary physical or emotional illness or disability provision
language modified.
Sec. 16: Alternate instruction requirement before student
assessment referral language modified.
Sec. 17: Assistive technology device
definition modified.
Sec. 18: Resource center program requirements for deaf
or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, and multiply disabled pupils
language modified.
Sec. 19: Resource center advisory committees requirement
language added.
Sec. 20: Definitions modified.
Sec. 21: Appropriations
Subd 1: Department of Education appropriations provided from the
general fund.
Subd 2: Special education aid appropriations provided.
Subd 3:
Special education excess cost aid appropriation provided.
Subd 4: Aid for
children with disabilities appropriation provided.
Subd 5: Teacher travel for
home-based services aid appropriation provided.
Subd 6: Court-placed special
education revenue appropriation provided.
Subd 7: Special education
out-of-state tuition appropriation provided.
Sec. 22: Repealer.
Article 4:
Facilities and technology provisions provided.
Sec. 1: Wind energy
conservation system provision language modified.
Sec. 2: Health and safety
program revenue provision language modified.
Sec. 3: Ten-year facility plan
requirement language modified.
Sec. 4: General obligation bond authorization
provision language modified.
Sec. 5: Levy authorization provision language
Sec. 6: School facility review and comment provision language
Sec. 7: Review and comment procedure provision language
Sec. 8: School board proposing to construct a facility
requirements language modified.
Sec. 9: Commissioner's project
review and comment publication requirement modified.
Sec. 10:
Telecommunications/internet access equity aid provision
Sec. 11: Appropriations provided.
Subd 1: Department of
Education appropriations provided from the general fund.
Subd 2: Health and
safety aid revenue appropriations provided.
Subd 3: Debt service equalization
appropriation provided.
Subd 4: Alternative facilities bonding aid
appropriation provided.
Subd 5: Equity in telecommunication access
appropriation provided.
Subd 6: Deferred maintenance aid appropriation
Article 5: Libraries, nutrition, and accounting appropriations
Sec. 1: School board revenue and expenditure budget notification
requirements language modified.
Sec. 2: Clerk records requirements language
Sec. 3: School district tax settlement revenue and levy recognition
provision language modified.
Sec. 4: General fund expenditures by building
requirements language modified.
Sec. 5: Account transfer provision for
designated separation and retirement benefits language modified.
Sec. 6:
Uniform audition and verification procedure requirements language
Sec. 7: Debt elimination provision language modified.
Sec. 8:
Certification of debt provision language modified.
Sec. 9: School food
service fund provision language modified.
Sec. 10: Aid reduction and levy
revenue recognition change provision language added.
Sec. 11: Definitions
Sec. 12: Payment dates and percentages provision language
Sec. 13: Advance final payment provision provided.
Sec. 14: Aid
payment percentage system provision language stricken.
Sec. 15: Notification
requirement of resident district of pupil provision
language modified.
16: Specialized services requirement for people with visual and
disabilities language modified.
Sec. 17: Advisory Committee for the
Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library telephone or electronic meetings
Sec. 18: Notice of proposed property taxes provision language
Sec. 19: Budget and levy adoption provision language
Sec. 20: Capital account transfers provision language
Sec. 21: ISDN 282; St. Anthony-New Brighton; Permanent fund
transfer authorized.
Sec. 22: Appropriations provided.
Subd 1: Department
of Education appropriations provided from the general fund.
Subd 2: School
lunch aid appropriation provided.
Subd 3: Traditional school breakfast aid
appropriation provided.
Subd 4: Kindergarten milk aid appropriation
Subd 5: Summer school food service replacement aid appropriation
Sec. 23: Department of Education library appropriations
Subd 1: Department of Education appropriations provided from the
general fund.
Subd 2: Basic system support grants appropriation
Subd 3: Multicounty, multitype library systems grants appropriation
Subd 4; Electronic library appropriation provided.
Subd 5:
Regional library telecommunications aid appropriation provided.
Sec. 24:
Article 6: Self-sufficiency and lifelong learning provision
language modified.
Sec. 1: Commissioner of public safety in consultation with
the Chemical
Abuse and Violence Prevention Council duties provision language
Article 7: State agencies provisions provided.
Sec. 1:
Competitive grants and gifts provision language modified.
Sec. 2: Grants and
gifts provision provided.
Sec. 3: Department of Education provision
Subd 1: Department of Education appropriations provided from the
general fund.
Subd 2: Department of Education appropriation provided.
3: Board of Teaching appropriation provided for licensure by portfolio.
Sec 4:
Minnesota State Academies for the Deaf and Blind appropriation provided.
5: Perpich Center for Arts Education appropriation provided.
Article 8:
Pupil transportation provisions provided.
Sec. 1: Definitions
Sec. 2: District data reports requirement language added.
3: School bus definition and provision language modified.
Sec. 4: School bus
driver personal cellular phone call prohibition language
Sec. 5:
School buses and multifunction school activity buses national
provision language modified.
Sec. 6: Seat and crash barriers provision
language modified.
Sec. 7: School bus tailpipe regulations provided.
8: Exemption language modified.
Sec. 9: School bus definition
Sec. 10: Commercial motor vehicle definition modified.
Sec. 11:
Driver's license classifications, endorsements, and exemptions provision
language modified.
Sec. 12: Exception for certain school bus drivers language
Sec. 13: Exception for type III vehicle drivers language
Sec. 14: Endorsement provision language modified.
Sec. 15:
School bus training requirement language modified.
Sec. 16: Annual evaluation
and license verification requirement language
Article 9: School
finance system changes provided.
Sec. 1: Equalized debt service levy
provision language modified.
Sec. 2: School bond agricultural credit
Sec. 3: Career and technical program aid provision language
Sec. 4: Pupil of limited English proficiency definition
Sec. 5: School district LEP revenue provision language
Sec. 6: School district special education aid provision language
Sec. 7: District special education excess cost aid provision
Sec. 8: Adjusted net tax capacity equalizing factor
Sec. 9: Referendum market value equalizing factor provided.
10: School district's location equity index provided.
Sec. 11: Pupil unit
provision language modified.
Sec. 12: Compensation revenue pupil units
computation provision language
Sec. 13: Adjusted pupil units
provision language modified.
Sec. 14: Resident pupil units provision language
Sec. 15: Average daily membership for pupils with disabilities
language added.
Sec. 16: Free and reduced-price lunches provision
language modified.
Sec. 17: LEP pupil units provision language
Sec. 18: Education funding framework provided; general classroom
district instructional services revenue, and district support
services included.
Sec. 19: General education revenue provision
language modified.
Sec. 20: Basic revenue provision language
Sec. 21: Extended time revenue provision language modified.
22: Declining enrollment revenue provision provided.
Sec. 23: Location equity
revenue provision provided.
Sec. 24: Referendum replacement revenue provision
Sec. 25: Compensatory education revenue provision language
Sec. 26: Basic skills revenue provision language modified.
27: Definitions modified.
Sec. 28: Total operating capital and technology
revenue provision language
Sec. 29: Technology revenue usage
provision language modified.
Sec. 30: Transportation sparsity revenue
allowance provision language
Sec. 31: Transportation revenue
provision provided.
Sec. 32: Innovation revenue usage requirements
Sec. 33: General education aid provision language modified.
34: General education revenue usage provision language modified.
Sec. 35:
Referendum allowance provision language modified.
Sec. 36: Referendum
equalization revenue provision language modified.
Sec. 37: Referendum
equalization levy provision language modified.
Sec. 38: Annual general
education aid appropriation language modified.
Sec. 39: District leasing or
renting of buildings or land provision language
Sec. 40: Statewide
average adjusted general revenue provision language
Sec. 41:
Revenue phase-in procedures provided.
Sec. 42: Revisor's instruction;
"Adjusted marginal cost pupil units" replaced by "adjusted pupil units" and
"resident marginal cost pupil units" replaced by "resident pupil units."
43: Repealer.
Article 10: Forecast adjustments provided.
Sec. 1: General
education aid adjustment provided.
Sec. 2: Consolidation transition
adjustment provided.
Sec. 3: Nonpublic pupil transportation adjustment
Sec. 4: Interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation
adjustment provided.
Sec. 5: Travel for home-based services
adjustment provided.
Sec. 6: Health and safety aid adjustment
Sec. 7: Deferred maintenance aid adjustment provided.
Sec. 8:
School lunch aid adjustment provided.
Sec. 9: Traditional school breakfast
aid and kindergarten milk adjustment
Sec. 10: Early childhood
family education aid adjustment provided.
Sec. 11: Adult basic education aid
adjustment provided.
Article 11: Technical Corrections provided.
Sec. 1:
Education records requirement technical changes provided.
Sec. 2: Equity
revenue provision technical changes provided.
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